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Inner Child Healing

Become A Certified Inner Child Healer.

Inner Child Healing Session In Rishikesh, India

When we repair our inner child, we reestablish a connection with our inner child. As a result, we are more able to identify and overcome self-defeating behaviors, fears, and anxieties. Repressing one's emotions, memories, and hurts perpetuates the invalidation and abandonment of the past.

The Best Inner Child Healing Session In Rishikesh

  • Intuitive Reading Duration : 30 - 45 Minutes
  • Dates: According to the availability of the Healer
  • Healing Fee (Private Session): 3500 INR

Benefits Of Our Inner Child Healing Session

Inner Child Healing imparts the following benefits:

  • Personal growth.
  • Self-improvement.
  • Realize your full potential.
  • Strengthen your inner connection.
  • Uncover and Process past traumas.
  • Heal emotional and mental wounds.

Inner Child Healing Treatment

No. 1 Inner Child Healing Session In Rishikesh, India

When something keeps happening to you year after year, have you ever wondered why it seems impossible to break the cycle?

Have you ever felt that you just can't get the job done no matter how hard you try?

Does being in the company of others who seem to have more success than you ever make you feel less confident?

Do you still have any questions about your relationship with your parents?

A lot of individuals become aware of emotional and behavioral habits that they would rather not have. You are held back and unable to live a healthy life and form good relationships because of these tendencies. Reconnecting with your childlike self is the goal of an inner child therapy session.

You may use it to figure out what you need and where you have wounds that need to heal. Your ability to love yourself is affected by emotional trauma experienced throughout childhood. Consequently, your body becomes ensnared in tension. There are two main components to this inner child healing:

  • Cleansing and Reiki healing.
  • Authentic shamanic path.

It dampens the strongest desires a living being may have. Over time, we develop the habit of suppressing our unspoken emotions and covering up our painful sentiments. All the problems we face as adults—dysfunctional relationships, poor self-esteem, lack of confidence, irrational aggression, and many more have these root roots. Neglect or abandonment are only two of the many possible feelings.

Inner Child Healing Include

Details Of Our Inner Child Healing Session

Get ready to relax and open yourself to our guided inner child healing. Find out why you keep sabotaging your life patterns by reconnecting with this dormant aspect of yourself. Caring for one's "inner child" may help alleviate underlying adult problems. This session has the potential to be very effective, life-altering, and restorative. You'll have completed the guided session. Once an intuitive reading has taken place, this is done.

The process of healing your inner child involves reaching out, connecting, understanding, embracing, and repairing your inner child. An individual's capacity for wonder, pleasure, innocence, sensitivity, and playfulness is held by their inner child, which is a metaphor for the first genuine version of themselves that was born into the world. That real child is unable to grow and flourish in our environment.

During this session, we will assess your energy, lifelines, beliefs, and grounding to identify areas that need healing. Through communicating with your inner child, we will unearth long-lost desires and help you heal from previous hurts.

As you continue on your path to recovery, we present you with fresh tools to help you manifest the life you want. In this class, you will learn techniques to release yourself from limiting narratives from your past.

Inclusion, Excursion & Cost

Upcoming Dates And Course Fee For Inner Child Healing TTC

Course Fee And Upcoming Dates

The total amount due includes the registration charge. Once you have registered for the course, your spot will be secured. Upon arrival, the remaining fees must be paid.

Here Are The Fee Details For Inner Child Healing Course:

7 Days Course

  • 30 - 45 Mins of Inner Child Healing: 3500 INR

Stay & food

1999 INR/Day

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Yoga Teacher Training School In Rishikesh, India

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Best Yoga Teachers In Rishikesh, India

Vinyasa Yoga Academy protects all of Rishikesh's pearls, and here we will make you a certified and highly skilled yoga teacher. Our professors are straightforward, humble, and eager to serve and share their knowledge. Each class has a different teacher. We have several yoga teachers that are committed to changing your life.

Maa Haripriya

Kundalini & Tantra Yoga

Ashutosh Mishra

Hatha Yoga Teacher

Yogi Naveen

Vinyasa / Ashtanga

Yogi Praveen Rajput

Meditation, Kundalini Yoga

Yogi Himanshu

Yoga Therapy

Yogi Sunil

Yoga Therapy

Umakanta Sahoo (Guna)

Acro Yoga

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I think anyone's perspective on yoga and its practice may be altered by the 200-hour yoga teacher training offered by Vinyasa Yoga Academy Rishikesh, India.

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Life changing experience! I have traveled the world over my 58 years on this earth and never experienced this deep, thought provoking guidance. I just wanted to improve my yoga practice. I came knowing NOTHING but I wanted to do correct poses. As I stated, I am 58 years young and only tried yoga a year ago with DVDs and you tube. I recommend this specific school because their is something amazing going on here up in the lush beautiful green hills of Rishikesh, India. Your mind is the only thing holding you back. I found Vinyasa Yoga Academy online while searching for schools. I was drawn to this school and a year later was blessed to come learn not only physical yoga but SO MUCH MORE. I believe, never in the states could I have had this experience for 1/3 the cost AND included room and board and the best weekly outings on our day off.

Janice Jensen

I was looking for a yoga school to go on Rishikesh, after many research I like their reviews and decide to go to Vinyasana Yoga Academy in the end of the year. But de pandemia cames and this plan was over. One day I get to the site to see the class for the next year, and for my surprise they have now online course. Truly it was one of the best choices I had ever made! The teacher have many many knowledge, always answered our questions, explaining the smal details af each asana, the books were incredible with all information and details that I needed. I recomend this online course for anyone who wants to start or go deeper on your journey as yoga teacher, because after doing this I fell that the knowledge is something that I will pass all my life learning and evolving on it! Namaste to all my teachers, and I can't wait for the 300h course!

Ana Carolina Macacini

I did the 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training at the Vinyasa Yoga Academy and I really want to recommend them because it was a Unique experience for me. All the teachers and team was so careful and did a really great job. Besides that, we become like a family on the course, all the share and love spread thru this days was really inspire! The content of the course was perfect and I�m a better yogi now, for sure. I�m leaving the course wanting to do a new one and already missing everyone!

Nina Forlin

Best experience ever, this last 34 weeks really change everything around and inside. The Vinyasa Yoga Academy is a truly a family and you can grow so much with their help. The teachers of the school were incredible, absolute caring and professional, and every day there where ready to be for us. We develop an incredible bond with the rest of the students, be share so much and everyone teach me something different, I will never forget. I will continue my studies next month for the 300 hrs YTT in this same Academy because is totally worth it and I cant think in a better place and people. Thank you very much.
