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300 hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Course

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Course Highlights

Highlights Of 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

1 or 3 Year Access

Pre-Recorded Videos

Unlimited Daily Live Classes

Unlimited Live Q & A

Free workshops & Webinars

Manuals Of Online Course

Great Video Qualities

Compatible with Mobile, Desktop & Tablets

Why Online YTTC

What Is Online Yoga Teacher Training Courses

Is your wish to become a certified yoga instructor? But you have very little time because of so many obligations that you already have. And another factor is also you need to spend more money on it. Well! In that case, online yoga teacher training is something that might help you. The whole world is becoming digital. Thus, online yoga teacher training is not just a trend that will last for a short time. This program is also in no way inferior to any kind of in-person yoga training program.

meditation in the bank of ganga river
meditation practice

Most of the yoga teacher training programs involve tests as well as exams to make sure all trainees are actually ready for teaching in a yoga class. To be honest, earning a certification was never as easy as now it is with online training. A 300 hour Online YTT is highly popular among people looking for yoga teacher certifications.

Look within and you will find the greatest love

300 hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Course & Certification

Vinyasa Yoga Academy is a 300 hour registered and certified yoga school with Yoga Alliance USA, Yoga Alliance International, and Seva Samadhi Trust.

Those who successfully complete 300 hour online yoga teacher training become capable of registering in any yoga alliances registered yoga teachers and also teach globally.

300 hour online YTT that we offer delivers traditional, theoretical, and practical training to yoga practitioners and makes them rise from student to yoga teacher. All trainees come out from TTC as highly confident teachers with strong teaching skills getting ready to start their careers.

Besides developing the art of teaching, trainees also get a complete understanding of practicing yoga asana, mantra chanting, philosophy, anatomy, mudras, pranayama, Ayurveda, along with meditation, and some contemporary yoga techniques.

The curriculum we have designed gives you all the essential elements needed to deepen and enrich the yoga practice and teach students with utmost confidence. The expert teacher’s team helps you and guides you right from the fundamental stage of taking a class to teach with utmost ease as well as confidence.

At Vinyasa Yoga Academy, we strongly trust that the main outcome of any online YTT must be the capability to teach a class with all premium skills when you accomplish your training. All our training courses are quite intensive as the course curriculum is result-driven. We highly encourage those with an aspiration to become a teacher and strengthen their practices to attend our training.

Course Includes

  • 300 hour high quality pre-recorded course videos
  • 1 or 3 year access
  • Unlimited Daily live classes for one year(Optional)
  • Live Q & A Session every Saturday
  • Study Materials
  • Yoga alliance Accreditation
  • Compatible with Mobile, Desktop and Tablets

Enroll Course Buy This Course

$399 USD

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What You'll Receive In This 300 hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Course

300 RYT Certificate

300-RYT course completion certification

Yoga Alliance

You can register in Yoga Alliance after the completion of this course

Pre-recorded Videos

300 hour high quality pre-recorded course videos

Live Session

Unlimited Daily Live Classes

Q & A Session

Live Q&A Session every saturday

Live Class Recording

Live classes of one month will be recorded and shared with you. If you can not attend the live classes, you can watch the recorded version

In-Depth understanding

In-depth understanding of Hatha, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Yoga Anatomy, Yoga Therapy, Pranayama, Meditation, Bandhas, Mudras & Philosophy

Introductory Classes

Intoduction to Yoga Nidra, Ayurveda, Traditional Tantra & Classical Dance

Free Workshops

Free workshops and webinars for lifetime.

Manuals & Books

Course Manual, Books and study materials are included in the course fee

1 or 3 Year Access

You will have access to all the course materials for 1 or 5 year and you are free to complete the course at your own pace within 1 or 5 year


10% discount on in-person courses valid for one year

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Subjects & Certification With Yoga Alliance

Online Yoga Teacher Certification With Yoga Alliance

It is really important that the yoga school in which you will earn your online yoga teacher training certification have all the required standard of yoga education?

The answer is Yoga Alliance. It is a non-profit association in the USA which plays a crucial role by offering the right accreditation to online yoga teacher certification courses like 300-RYT Yoga teacher certification course, 200-RYT along with 500-RYT that is conducted by yoga studios all over the world.

Yoga Alliance recommends the required standards for yoga training. If you want to meet such standards, you have to stick to the same to make sure the required amount of studying time that should be undertaken for the whole course.

The minimum eligibility to teach yoga at any yoga studio is that you have to accomplish a 300 hour yoga teacher training course at a Yoga Alliance registered yoga school. This certificate is all you required if you want to apply immediately for your Yoga Alliance RYT certification. It is a yoga teacher training certificate that is identified across the world.

Eligibility & Accreditations

The 300 HR TTC certification is accessible for anyone who is interested in deepening their Yoga practice and has completed the 200HR teacher training. Vinyasa Yoga Academy is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) with Yoga Alliance, which designates this teacher training program as one which follows Yoga Alliance's standards. Students who complete an approved training with this school may be eligible to register with Yoga Alliance. To get the 300-Hour Yoga instructor certificate the student needs to attend the 4 weeks duration course. Assessments will be based on written assignments as well as practical evaluations and student conduct will be a part of the assessment criteria.

Major Style Of Yoga and other classes you learn!

  • Advanced Hatha Yoga
  • Advanced Ashtanga Yoga
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Body Alignment
  • Adjustment of yoga pose
  • Teaching methodology and sequencing

Who Is Eligible For 300 hour Online Yoga Teacher Training

  • Who want to become a certified yoga teacher
  • Who want learn and expand their knowledge in yoga
  • Beginner to intermediate level students

Be A Part Of Vinyasa Yoga Academy

  • Helpful and supportive Team
  • Ready to give an enlightening experience
  • Affordable courses
  • Ready to help even after the course completed

What Other Subjects I Will Learn!

  • Ayurveda
  • Pranayama & Meditation
  • Bandhas (Energy Lock)
  • Mudras (Energy Gestures)
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Yoga Psychology
  • Yoga Anatomy & Yoga Therapy
  • Mantra Chanting
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Traditional Tantra
  • Question & Answer Session
  • Assignments and examination

The Highest Value Of Life Is To Love Yourself First

300 hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Course Curriculum

Hatha Yoga Postures

Alignment, Assist, Adjustment, Surya namaskar (sun salutation) & Chandra namaskar (moon salutation)

  • Bharadvajasana
  • Lolasana – swinging pose
  • Kukkutasana – rooster pose
  • Sarpasana – snake pose
  • Shalabhasana – locust pose
  • Dhanurasana – bow pose
  • Paschimottanasana – seated forward bend
  • Janu sirshasana – head to knee pose
  • Parivirta janu sirshasana – revolving head to knee pose
  • Sarvangasana – shoulder stand
  • Padam sarvangasana – shoulder stand lotus pose
  • Sirshasana- Headstand
  • Natarajasana – lord shiva’s pose
  • Utthita hasta padangusthasana
  • Naukasana –Boat pose
  • Vatayanasana – horse face pose
  • Mayurasana – peacock pose
  • Koormasana – tortoise pose
  • Chakrasana –wheel pose
  • Hanumanasana – monkey pose
  • Agnistambhasana- fire log pose
  • Brahmacharyasana –celibate’s pose
  • Astavakrasana – eight-twists pose
  • Ek pada sirasana – one foot to head pose
  • Chaturanga Dandasana
  • Pincha Mayurasana-Feathered Peacock Pose
  • Eka Pada Koundinyasana- sage koundinyasana
  • Handstand – Adho Mukha Vrksasana
  • Ardha Pincha Mayurasana- dolphin pose
  • Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana- dolphin plank pose
  • Bakasana –crow pose
  • Ek pada bakasana – one leg crow
  • Utthan Pristhasana- lizard pose
  • Pashasana-Noose Pose
  • Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana- sundial or compass pose
  • Titibasana-fire fly pose
  • Parshva bakasana – side crow

Mudra (Yoga Gestures)

  • Introduction of Mudras
  • Jnana & Chin Mudra
  • Yoni Mudra
  • Bhairava Mudra
  • Hridaya Mudra
  • Nasikagra Mudra
  • Khechari Mudra
  • Shambhavi Mudra

Bandhas (Energy Lock)

  • Introduction to bandha
  • Jalandhara bandha
  • Moola bandha
  • Uddiyana bandha
  • Maha bandha

Meditation (Dhyana)

  • Breathing Awareness
  • Om Meditation
  • Mantra Meditation
  • Dynamic Meditation
  • No Mind & No Body Meditation
  • Ajapa japa meditation
  • Antar nouna
  • Trataka

Yoga Therapy

  • Shathkarma
  • Therapeutical Effects of Shathkarma
  • Kati Vasti
  • Tridosha (Explanation of Tridosha)
  • Food Habits as per Tridosha
  • Nadi Parikshan
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Respiratory Diseases- Diseases related to Respiration
  • Yog Nidra
  • Pranayam and its effects
  • Eyes diseases
  • Heart diseases
  • Heart opening Session
  • Video session on Awakening of Kundilini.

Mantra Chanting

  • Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha (Gayatri Mantra)
  • Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya
  • Tvameva mata ca pita Tvameva
  • Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
  • Om sahana vavatu
  • Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudevo maheshwara
  • Yogena Cittasya
  • Hare rama, Hare Krishna
  • Vakratunda Mahakaya Mantra

Yoga Philosophy

Patanjali yoga sutras

  • CHAPTER 1- Samadhi pada
  • CHAPTER 2- Sadhana Pada

Anatomy and Physiology

  • Digestive System
  • Respiratory System
  • Circulatory System
  • Nervous System
  • Endocrine System
  • Organs
  • Bodily systems
  • Effects of Pranayama in Respiratory System
  • Effects of Yoga practice
  • Nauli in Digestive system
  • Muscular and Skeletal system with advance postures
  • Therapeutic Applications of Yoga Postures
  • How to avoid injury in asana class
  • Anatomy of Pelvic griddle and spine
  • Nadis- The Energy Channel
  • Prana and Nervous system
  • Kundalini Shakti
  • Chakra
  • Panchakosha

Ashtanga / Vinyasa Flow Yoga Postures

Sun salutation A & Sun salutation B

  • Padangusthasana - Big teo posture
  • Padahastasana – Hand under foot posture
  • Utthita trikonasana- Triangle pose
  • Parivrtta Trikonasana- Revolving triangle
  • Utthita parvakonasana- Extended Side Angle Pose
  • Parivritta Parsvakonasana – Revolving side angle pose
  • Prasarita padottanasana A to D – Intense wide leg stretch
  • Parsvottanasana- Intense side stretch posture
  • Utthita hasta padangusthasana- Hand to big toe posture
  • Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana- Half bound lotus forward bend
  • Utkatasana- Fierce pose
  • Virabhadrasana A-B. Warrior

Sitting Postures

  • Dandasana- Staff pose
  • Paschimottanasana A to C Intense West – Stretch or sitting forward bend
  • Vinyasa ( Vinyasa to jump back)
  • Purvottanasana – Intense east stretch
  • Ardha baddha Padma paschimottanasana- Half bound lotus forward bend
  • Tiriang mukhaipada paschimottanasana- reverse the leg direction of one leg intense east stretch
  • Janu sirsasana A to C Head to knee pose
  • Marichyasana A-D
  • Navasana – Boat posture
  • Bhujapidasana- Shoulder pressure posture
  • Kurmasana- Tortoise posture
  • Supta kurmasana- Sleeping tortoise
  • Garbha pindasana- Embryo posture
  • Kukkutasana – Rooster posture
  • Baddha konasana A to B – Bound angle posture
  • Upavista konasana A to B- Seated angle posture
  • Supta konasana A to B – Lying down angle posture
  • Supta padangustasana – Reclining big toe posture
  • Ubhaya padangusthasana- Both big toes postures
  • Urdhva mukha paschimottasana- Upward facing full forward bend
  • Setu bandhasana- Bridge
  • Urdhva dhanurasana- Upward bow posture
  • Paschimottanasana – Full forward bend
  • Salamba sarvangasana – Shoulder- stand
  • Halasana – Plow
  • Karnapidasana – Ear pressure posture
  • Urdhva padmasana – Upward lotus
  • Pindasana – Embryo posture
  • Matsyasana – Fish posture
  • Uttana Padasana- Extended leg posture
  • Sirsasana – Headstand
  • Yoga mudra- Sealed yoga posture
  • Padmasana – Lotus
  • Uttpluthi – uprooting
  • Savasana – Corpse posture

Pranayama (Breathing Practices)

  • Introduction of Paranayama
  • The pranic body
    • Annamaya kosha
    • Manomaya kosha
    • Pranamaya Kosha
    • Vijnanamaya Kosha
    • Anandamaya Kosha
  • Natural Breathing
  • Abdominal Breathing
  • Thoracic Breathing
  • Clavicular Breathing
  • Yogic breathing
  • Nadi shodhana Pranayama & It techniques
  • Sheetali Pranayama & It techniques
  • Sheetkari pranayama
  • Bhramari pranayama
  • Ujjayi pranayama
  • Bhastika Pranayama
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Moorchha Pranayama
  • Surya Bheda Pranayama
  • Chandra bhedana pranayama
  • Swana pranayama

Yoga Nidra

  • Basic Relaxation
  • Tension Relaxation
  • Full Body Relaxation

Yoga Cleansing

  • Jalaneti Satkarma (Nasal cleansing with salty water)
  • Rubber neti (Nasal cleansing with a rubber string)
  • Agnisar Kriya
  • Nauli Kriya
  • Kapalbhati Cleansing

Teaching Practice

  • Demonstration
  • Alignment
  • Instructions

Teaching Methodology

  • Positive & conscious communication.
  • Friendship and trust.
  • Time management
  • Qualities of a teacher
  • Principles of demonstrating, observation, assisting, correcting.
  • Use of voice in class
  • Mental & emotional preparation for teaching.
  • Class preparation
  • Step by step class structure planning.

Assessments are based on

  • Written Test
  • Oral Test
  • Attendance
  • Performance
  • Behavior

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300 hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Course Daily Schedule

Dates Time Free Class Teacher

Monday (03:30 PM – 04:30 PM IST) Kundalini Asana Maa Haripriya

Tuesday (03:30 PM – 04:30 PM IST) Vinyasa Flow Akshay Ji

Wednesday (03:30 PM – 04:30 PM IST) Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Akshay Ji

Thursday (03:30 PM – 04:30 PM IST) Hatha Yoga Akshay Ji

Friday (03:30 PM – 04:30 PM IST) Pranayama & Meditation Akshay Ji

Saturday (1st & 3rd ) (12:00 PM – 01:00 PM IST) Philosophy + Q & A Guruji / Maa Haripriya

  • Opening Ceremony: On 1st at 08:00 PM.
  • Live classes: From 2nd to 29th.
  • Closing Ceremony: On 30th at 08:00 PM IST.

Free Day:-Sunday is holiday and there will be no live class taught.

Look Within And You Will Find The Greatest Love

Options After Doing 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course & Advantages

Joining a 300 hours online yoga teacher training is one of the experiences of a life time. It is a kind of experience that gives you benefits that lasts long. When you successfully complete 300 hour YTT you might think, what options can you undertake after it?

If you want to take yoga class immediately or you wanted it just for your own personal growth, you must remain tuned with all of your daily practices.

Gaining the first teaching experience might be challenging, but at the same time, it is fun as well as quite fulfilling. Another option is after some months of completing 300 hour yoga teacher training certification course, you can join some advanced yoga teacher training like 300 hour online yoga teacher training. It aims to develop and also evolve all your teaching skills along with confidence. Focus remains more on the teaching methodology as well as practicing how to adjust with your students.

An intensive 300 hour online YTT will take you to the next level in your yoga teaching career. You will gain knowledge on some of the advanced practices of asana, meditation, pranayama etc. Also you will also be able to register for 500 RYT with Yoga Alliance. It makes you more joyful and in becoming a unique yoga teacher while teaching you yoga globally.

The 300 hour yoga teacher training certification course at Vinyasa Yoga Academy will exceeds all your expectations.Along with Yoga we will take you in a life-changing spiritual journey.

Advantages Of Doing Yoga Alliance Certified Courses

Have a look at some of the major benefits of the Yoga Alliance certified course offered at Vinyasa Yoga Academy:-

  • Enhanced Credibility:- The mark that signified the yoga alliance registry is internationally recognized in the whole yoga community. When obtained, this credential is something that all yogis will surely acknowledge either on your resume or on your website.
  • You become part of the community of Yoga Alliance:- Not only association but also you are becoming a part of an extensive community. Here you can easily network and make a connection with some like-minded people who are sharing the same passion as well as love for the art of yoga.
  • Get access to all free online workshops:- All through the year, online workshops are offered to educate the members on all challenges that are now being faced by the yoga teachers, studios, and schools. All the members of the yoga alliance get free registration to these online study groups.
  • Great resources:- Along with some of the publications offered by Yoga Alliance websites, they also offer resources for those yoga teachers as well as schools to do a review at their own convenience.

Why Vinyasa Yoga Academy

  • one of the most reputed yoga school in India
  • 10+ years of yoga teacher training experience
  • 7000+ yoga teachers already trained in all over the world
  • students from 60+ countries
  • Yoga alliance & yoga alliance professional Registered school
  • 12 international centres wold wide
  • 30+ Highly experienced teacher working in WPYS
  • offering 40+ life changing Yoga and spiritual courses

Benefit Of The Course

  • 3 days/2 night free stay in Vinyasa Yoga Academy Rishikesh
  • Volunteering opportunity in Vinyasa Yoga Academy
  • Eligible to join our other 300-hours Yoga teacher training course
  • Become a part of world peace yoga family
  • Self-control
  • Deep understanding of life
  • Get motivated to open a yoga centre
  • 15% Discount in the future courses

Look Within And You Will Find The Greatest Love

Expert Instructors Of Vinyasa Yoga Academy

Vishnu Panigraghi

Master Of Yoga

Yogi Vishnu Panigrahi has been steeped in spiritual endeavors since childhood. By the age of 20, Vishnu had become deeply immersed in a path full of devotion toward spiritual knowledge. Vishnu read 18,000 verses of the Srimad Bhagavatam, was trained in Kathak and became a member of Hari Katha Yojana. Vishnu eventually made his way to Rishikesh and visited the caves of the Himalayas. Yogi Vishnu has been traveling and teaching spirituality outside and inside India for many years. He's completely appreciative of his experience in life so far. Now, he is deeply dedicated to guiding students at Vinyasa Yoga Academy to experience a unique and spiritually nourishing life journey all their own.

Yogi Naveen

Hatha, Ashtanga & Prenatal

Mr. Naveen has been teaching Yoga Teacher Training since 2015. He had trained over a 1000 teachers in India and abroad. Most of his work is in Yoga Capital Rishikesh, India. He has also taught yoga in China and Vietnam. Naveen holds a Master in yogic science,and is a certified Prenatal and postnatal yoga teacher trainer.he has also done 500 hours yoga TTC from yoga alliance U.S.A. Mr.Naveen currently works with one of india’s leading Prenatal - Postnatal Yoga school in Rishikesh, India.

Ashutosh Mishra

Hatha / Ashtanga / Alignment Instructor

Ashutosh Mishra born and bought up in Rishikesh is strongly rooted in Hatha yoga and Therapeutic yoga. His style is a dynamic combination of intelligent sequencing and alignment for the body and health condition of the person. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in yogic science. He did his master’s in yoga therapy from Uttarakhand Sanskrit University. After finishing his masters in yoga therapy he decided to carry the mantle of promoting yoga and help all the possible people who longing for help through yoga by being a yoga teacher. He started to practice karma yoga in the Ashram, helping local and international students to overcome the cultural barrier and learn the lifestyle of the Ashram. Now he is teaching to both therapeutic and TTC students.

Look Within And You Will Find The Greatest Love

Student's Feedback About Online YTTC Of Vinyasa Yoga Academy

Happy Student Of 300 hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Course.

I’ve recently completed my 200hr training with Vinyasa Yoga Academy and it was such a fantastic experience. The course was online, which made it flexible and ideal for me. The staff were so professional, compassionate and understanding. I highly recommend the school!

Kayah Bain


Happy Student Of 300 hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Course.

I just finished my 200Hrs online yoga teacher training with WPYS and it has been a wonderful experience. I could nerver expect such an amaizing journey while being online. I felt all time I was phisically there with all the teachers. Everyone has been caring us with so much attention and lot of love. I feel now enlighted and powerful. All the teachers there have a very deep knowledge in their own discipline, they always tried to share as much as they can to us, i found everyone so generous. Guru ji has a lot of compassion for all of us, trying always to give us deep knowledge of yoga philosophy and much more. The quality of this school is irrefutable. I actually can't wait to visit them in real that is definitely worth it.

Alex Ducr


Happy Student Of 300 hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Course.

Informative and well designed. Vishnu Ji was amazing and available to answer any questions in a very timely manner. I am so grateful to have found this program and would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking to start their yoga teacher training journey.

Thị Huỳnh Nga Trần


Vinyasa Yoga Academy Overall Rating


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Look Within And You Will Find The Greatest Love

Frequently Asked Questions About This Course

This course is designed by some of the best and experienced yoga teachers of various schools in India. The course syllabus, certification, and everything else remains same as the in-person course. So this 300- hour onlne yoga teacher training course is as effective as the in-person course.

Yes, you can register as a Yoga teacher in Yoga Alliance after successfully completing this course.

No, there is no extra fee involved after the purchase. You need to pay only the fee that is shown on the website.

No, All the books and study materials required for the 300 hour Online Yoga Teacher Training course is be included in the course.

Yes, the course does include live classes for 25 days . All the lessons will be provided in the provided through pre-recorded videos

Yes, this course is specially designed for beginner to intermediate level students. You can easily follow this course if you are new to yoga.

Yes, this course is certified by Yoga Alliance which is valid all over the world.

The supported payment methods are PayPal, Credit card & Bank Transfer

300 hour Online Yoga TTC @ 399 USD

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Come & Learn Yoga In Traditional Way

Yoga Teacher Training School In Rishikesh, India

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Know Your Yoga Guru, Teachers, & Mentors

Best Yoga Teachers In Rishikesh, India

Vinyasa Yoga Academy protects all of Rishikesh's pearls, and here we will make you a certified and highly skilled yoga teacher. Our professors are straightforward, humble, and eager to serve and share their knowledge. Each class has a different teacher. We have several yoga teachers that are committed to changing your life.

Yogi Vishnu Panigrahi

Our Master, Founder

Maa Haripriya

Kundalini & Tantra Yoga

Ashutosh Mishra

Hatha Yoga Teacher

Yogi Naveen

Vinyasa / Ashtanga

Yogi Praveen Rajput

Meditation, Kundalini Yoga

Yogi Himanshu

Yoga Therapy

Yogi Sunil

Yoga Therapy

Umakanta Sahoo (Guna)

Acro Yoga

Reviews & Testimonials

What Our Students Says About Us

Reviews & Testimonials

Students feedback about Yoga Teacher Training in Risikesh, India


Out Of 5 Stars

Overall Rating of 786+ Total Reviews

I think anyone's perspective on yoga and its practice may be altered by the 200-hour yoga teacher training offered by Vinyasa Yoga Academy Rishikesh, India.

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4.9/5 Stars

Life changing experience! I have traveled the world over my 58 years on this earth and never experienced this deep, thought provoking guidance. I just wanted to improve my yoga practice. I came knowing NOTHING but I wanted to do correct poses. As I stated, I am 58 years young and only tried yoga a year ago with DVDs and you tube. I recommend this specific school because their is something amazing going on here up in the lush beautiful green hills of Rishikesh, India. Your mind is the only thing holding you back. I found Vinyasa Yoga Academy online while searching for schools. I was drawn to this school and a year later was blessed to come learn not only physical yoga but SO MUCH MORE. I believe, never in the states could I have had this experience for 1/3 the cost AND included room and board and the best weekly outings on our day off.

Janice Jensen

I was looking for a yoga school to go on Rishikesh, after many research I like their reviews and decide to go to Vinyasana Yoga Academy in the end of the year. But de pandemia cames and this plan was over. One day I get to the site to see the class for the next year, and for my surprise they have now online course. Truly it was one of the best choices I had ever made! The teacher have many many knowledge, always answered our questions, explaining the smal details af each asana, the books were incredible with all information and details that I needed. I recomend this online course for anyone who wants to start or go deeper on your journey as yoga teacher, because after doing this I fell that the knowledge is something that I will pass all my life learning and evolving on it! Namaste to all my teachers, and I can't wait for the 300h course!

Ana Carolina Macacini

I did the 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training at the Vinyasa Yoga Academy and I really want to recommend them because it was a Unique experience for me. All the teachers and team was so careful and did a really great job. Besides that, we become like a family on the course, all the share and love spread thru this days was really inspire! The content of the course was perfect and I�m a better yogi now, for sure. I�m leaving the course wanting to do a new one and already missing everyone!

Nina Forlin

Best experience ever, this last 34 weeks really change everything around and inside. The Vinyasa Yoga Academy is a truly a family and you can grow so much with their help. The teachers of the school were incredible, absolute caring and professional, and every day there where ready to be for us. We develop an incredible bond with the rest of the students, be share so much and everyone teach me something different, I will never forget. I will continue my studies next month for the 300 hrs YTT in this same Academy because is totally worth it and I cant think in a better place and people. Thank you very much.



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