Benefits of Low lunge / Anjaneyasana:
Enter from the lunge pose with the hands supporting you at either side of the leading foot. Gently place the back knee down then let the front knee extend over the foot. (Not all the way after a little while passes slowly deepen forward with the knee.)
Take the hands off the mat and stretch them up above the head. If your shoulders are not very flexible you can interlock the fingers. This will allow the arms to stretch back further. (Warning! Lean forward a little to relieve pressure from the lower back if it is injured or inflamed.)
- Starting in Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Facing Dog.
- Exhale and step the right foot forward between your hands.
- Lower the left knee to the floor, sliding the foot back until you feel a nice stretch in the left hip and thigh.
- Think about keeping the hips low and level with each other.
- Inhale, lift the chest away from the thigh, sweeping the arms up alongside your ears.
- Tailbone down and lower belly drawn in and up.
- Look straight ahead or come into a gentle backbend with your gaze to your thumbs.
- On an exhale lower your hands back down and step back to Downward Facing Dog.
Benefits of Low Lunge Pose
- Strengthens the back, legs and shoulders.
- Stretches the hips, thighs and feet.
- Improves balance and focus.
- A great alternative to Warrior I if you have hip or knee problems.
- Strengthens the quadriceps and gluteus muscles
- Stretches the psoas and hips
- Relieves sciatica pain
- Expands your chest, lungs and shoulders
- Develops stamina and endurance in your thighs
- Improves your balance, concentration and core awareness