Yoga While Traveling

Yoga while travelling

Journeys are necessary and offer a life-changing experience. It is an opportunity to get some relief from daily lifestyle for some days to any place. IT is truly rejuvenating as well as relaxing. But on the other side, it can be stressful as well. It can cause disturbance in our regular lifestyle. Changes in time zones and getting adjusted to a new place can hinder our body clock sleeping patterns and drain our energy.

While traveling, we are pushed beyond our comfort zone, and the challenges sometimes create a lot of obstacles and issues that can be prospects to grow and find some strength. Travel affects more frequent itinerants. It causes profound consequences. Some of the major side effects are anxiety, sleeplessness, exhaustion, weight gain and all-around stress.

Combine travel with yoga

To alleviate stress and all other kinds of side effects, traveling it’s best to combine travel with yoga. It helps in managing some of the unavoidable issues. Yoga helps us breathe in the middle of the hustle and bustle, allows a quiet reflection in the middle of noise and enhances focus. Regular practice of asana and meditation when you are traveling helps you connect to your inner self besides growing and finding strength. A yoga school in Rishikesh offers you teaching how to amalgamate yoga with traveling.

Travelling can physically exhaust you, especially when there are long hours of commuting, obstinate sitting positions and a lot of strain that leaves your energy drained. While you are on the road, it isn’t easy to do regular yoga practice. But still, it’s good to devote some time to yoga while you are traveling. You will not require any specified equipment for yoga on the road but little motivation and some space. A few minutes every day on the yoga mat can assist you in honing your outlook on your travel experience.

Still, it’s highly recommended to devote a few minutes every day to yoga, even while traveling. You need not have any special equipment for practicing yoga on the road. Just some motivation and a little space to stretch out are plenty enough. Even a few minutes each day spent in quiet reflection can hone your perspective on your travel experience.

Incorporating yoga while traveling makes it even more soulful. This blend helps in giving you a transformative experience. Have a look at some of the major benefits that you get by practicing yoga while traveling

  • Decreases anxiety and enhances relaxation
  • Enhances sleep quality
  • A good remedy for back and posture pain
  • Proper management of weight
  • Enhanced mental peace

Here are a few ways through which you can make yoga your best travel companion:

1.Go easy with yourself

You might not fit in the regular yoga practice of yoga while traveling. Decide a realistic and attainable time that you can practice every day and then stick to it. Twenty minutes every day or three times a week is an attainable goal and good to bring a difference. The small initial commitment assists you in generating a routine and staying focused and aware while on the journey. Plan for s simple yoga-practicing routine: You can either note down or record somewhere, some few practices are good to go. This is usually helpful when you do not have a habit of self-practicing and do it under teacher guidance.

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2.Plan a simple, go-to yoga practice sequence or routine. Have either noted down, committed to memory or even recorded a few simple practice routines that you can always go to. This is especially helpful if you don’t have a usual self-practice and are used to taking classes and only practicing under the guidance of your teacher. With these go-to practices, you can easily stick to some practices with less effort and without thinking much about what to do. With time you will earn about your body requirements. 3.Do not make any excuses Yoga never needs any special equipment or a lot of space, but you need to show up and then practice. One of the best things about yoga is you can do it anytime and anywhere. Even in a small space, you can do some standing poses like trikonasana, warrior two or tree pose. Even in the waiting lounge or transit, you can carry out some simple stretches, ankle-over knee stretch and shoulder rolls. Then there are Yin Yoga poses that assist you in releasing some of the built-up tension and make sure you get a deep and restful night’s sleep. 4.Look out for some local yoga classes or integrate yoga retreats into your travel plans. Nowadays, you can find yoga anywhere, starting from the beach to the park, community halls and studios. Check ahead of time in areas you will be in for yoga classes and give them a try. Good yoga schools in Rishikesh offer online retreats and yoga classes that you can avail yourself of, no matter where you are.


When you practice yoga while traveling, it benefits both your mind and body. A blend of some yoga asana, meditation and pranayama helps in rejuvenating, thereby maintaining a strong constitution, peaceful mind and optimistic outlook. Considering all the major benefits of practicing yoga while traveling, motivate yourself to practice and maintain your body, mind and soul.
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