Benefits of Swastikasana (Auspicious Pose): It is a best meditation Asana for those people who cannot sit comfortably or find difficulties in classical poses like Padmasanaand Siddhasana.
Those people who are suffering from varicose veins and pain in the leg muscles can perform this Asana.
Daily practice of this meditative pose increases the concentration level.
Give calmness to the mind.
Suitable for everybody in any age group.
Sukhasana (Easy Pose): This asana is achieved by simply crossing the legs and keeping the head and trunk erect. The hands are placed as in Padmasana.
Benefits of Sukhasana
Amplifying your state of serenity and tranquility
Broadens your collarbones and chest
Calming your brain
Eliminating stress, anxiety and mental exhaustion
Improving alignment
Lengthening your spine
Opening your hips
Promoting inner calm
Reducing fatigue
Strengthening your back
Stretching your ankles and knees