Sit down in Sukhasana, Keep the spine erect.
Breathe normally and relax the whole body.
Keep the mouth closed and the teeth apart.
Plug both the ears with the index fingers and close the eyes. Some also use the thumb to close the ears. In this variation, the eyes are kept closed by using the middle finger.
Take a slow deep breath and fill the lungs fully.
Then exhale slowly, making a continuous humming sound from the throat. The sound should reverberate in the head.
Feel the sound vibration in the head. Be aware of only the continuous drone that the sound produces. This drone is similar to the humming sound of the bee.
This is one round.
Start with 5 rounds and increase it as per your convenience.
Benefits of Bharamari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath):
Bhramari pranayama calms the nerves and reduces tension and anxiety.
It helps to reduce anger and frustrations.
It gives the practitioner a good sonorous voice. It can also help remove throat ailments.
It helps to reduce blood pressure.
You may feel little cold or tingling sensation in the throat due to sound but this is normal.
Under No circumstances the proportion of the breathing should be forced.
If you feel dizzy then please stop the practice and continue normal breathing.