Lying on the stomach in the crocodile pose

Lying on the stomach in the crocodile posture,  the ribs at the lower side of the rib cage are free to move with breathing. They expand with the inhalation and contract with the exhalation. when lying on the stomach, the back also rise and falls with each breath. By bringing awareness to the side and back, in addition to the abdomen, this stage of breath training introduces a more complete feeling of the dynamics of diaphragmatic breathing. (lyrica)



Lie on your stomach. Fold your arms on the floor above your head, and place your forehead on your forearms.

Your legs may be together, or apart- the toes turned in or out. Let your whole body rest.

Observe the flow of your breathing, feeling the rise and fall of your lower back with each breath. The back rises with inhalation and falls with exhalation.

Next observe the movements of the side of the rib cage. The rib expands with each inhalation and contract with the exhalation.

Finally, feel the abdomen press against the floor as you inhale and contract as you exhale.

Watch your body breath, observing these movements around the entire lower part of your torso the back, sides, and abdomen.

Continue for an additional five minutes. Letting your nervous system and mind relax as your watch the breathing.


Benefits of crocodile pose

It is excellent for people suffering from spondylitis, slipped disk

or any other spinal disorder.

Crocodile reduces stress and tension, promotes sleep.

Regulates blood pressure and reduces anxiety

It gives deep relaxation to the shoulders and the spine.



If you have any chronic injuries, you must do this pose with supervision or in limited capacity.

Avoid this pose if you have any serious back injury.

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