Yoga Poses for Anxiety Relief

Yoga Poses for Anxiety Relief

You may be someone who is chasing work deadlines, or someone who is having a hard time finishing all the tasks at home. Your nervous system does get affected. Chasing any sort of deadline can be really overwhelming for anyone. When you work more than your capacity, your body tends to release more cortisol. This is the stress hormone, which everyone is talking about.

The body responds to such a situation in different ways. Some of you may feel anxious, nervous, or irritable. It can be more violent as well. Chronic stress can affect you in a tremendous manner, and those affected often face stress-related issues. You must have heard about yoga, right? Yes, it is an ancient healing modality which can make you feel better. Yoga poses for anxiety relief can help you to overcome the situation with ease.

However, you must ensure to learn yogic cures under trained experts. Vinyasa Yoga Academy is one of the most noteworthy schools of yoga in India right now. According to some of the trainers from this renowned institution, if you follow yogic remedies, you can easily get rid of anxiousness and related health issues.

Why Does Anxiety Occur In The First Place?

Normally everyone gets anxious, as it is a part of life. However, when it becomes your constant companion, you have got to be worried. The second type of anxiety can stop you from enjoying life and may also instill a feeling of fear. Anxiety disorders are quite rampant nowadays.

Some of the anxiety disorders are panic disorders, phobias, social anxiety disorders, and obsessive compulsive disorder. There are quite a few mental disorders which manifest itself in the form of anxiety. They include post-traumatic disorders, depression, inflammation, and chronic pain.

Now, the question is, are there yoga poses to calm anxiety? Let us know about that below.

Yoga For Anxiety Relief Decoded

If you are suffering from a serious mental disorder, then yoga can complement the other mode of treatment. And if it is general anxiety of daily life, then it can alone help in managing the same. When you focus on something, by uniting the body and breath, it can cause a huge positive impact. Any sort of physical activity can actually lead to mental and physical benefits. Yoga is particularly more worthy and important, as it creates a mind-body connection and uses breath as well. Research has proven that yoga can affect the brain in more ways than one. Additionally, yoga can lead to good sleep as well, which is another way to reduce stress and anxiousness. So, now you can spot the connection.

Here are a few yoga poses for reducing anxiety, which you can try at home. Of course, you will need to learn them at Vinyasa Yoga Academy, before starting out on your own.

  • Trikonasana – This is one of the most common poses in yoga, with multiple benefits. The main focus here is to stretch the body on both sides. In this posture, you need to stand with the feet shoulder-width apart, with one foot pointing at an angle at one time. Thereafter, you need to bend the body sideways, with the arms stretched on either side. The arm on the bent side touched the feet pointing outwards. This is one side, and the same has to be repeated on the other side. This is one of the most beneficial yoga asanas for anxiety.
  • Uttanasana – Also called the standing forward fold, you can start by standing with the feet joined and spine straight. The hands remain by your side initially. You must fold downward from the hips, whilst taking the hands forward to touch the floor. Your chest must be resting against the thigh. You must continue to breathe in this position. Mist yoga teachers hail it as the most effective yoga poses for anxiety.
  • Urdhwa Mukha Svanasana – You have to start in a prone position, in this asana. The legs stay stretched backward while the arms are beside the shoulders. Your arms must be folded, with the palms on the floor with fingers pointing in front. You have to exert pressure on the palms and lift the body up, straightening the hands in the process. Only the toes and hands must support the body. Take the head backward as much as possible, while gazing at the ceiling. It opens up the chest muscles, thereby allowing the entry of more oxygen. So, the fresh air brings relaxation and calmness, to be exact.
  • Vrikshasana – The tree pose is yet another yoga pose which balances oneself and leads to grounding. It is also said to reduce anxious feelings. You are supposed to start with the feet together and hands by your side. Slowly, raise one leg and hook the foot into the thigh of the other leg. Slowly raise the hands on both sides and join the palms above the head. You need to practice this a number of times, before you can get it perfectly. Thereafter, lower the hands and legs and repeat on the other side. This asana helps to strengthen your mental focus. It also sharpens the mind. You are able to balance the mental and emotional aspects as well.
  • Shavasana – It is basically a resting pose, which you do after a session of yoga. You generally lie in supine position on the ground, in this pose. Although, you may feel that this is an extremely simple thing to do, it requires a lot of guidance to get it right. That is where the yoga school in India comes into the picture. The teachers will guide you through the pose, with ease. You must lie down comfortably, with the legs extended and arms beside your body.

The body must be in a straight line. You must ensure to tuck the chin into your chest, for better relaxation. Closing your eyes will help you to cut off from the outside world. Scan your body from the head to toe, while breathing deeply. Observe your breath, through the rise and fall of your abdomen. Stay in the pose for fifteen minutes or so. Gently wiggle your body parts, before you close it. Roll to one side and get up, slowly. This asana impacts the parasympathetic nervous system, which ultimately helps in calming the mind and the body. It also relieves mention tension, enhances sleep, and balances your blood pressure. Yoga for stress and anxiety can benefit you a lot, if you are doing it right.

These are a few asanas which you can practice on a daily basis, to get rid of anxious thoughts.


Vinyasa Yoga Academy is one of the renowned yoga schools in India, which offers such lessons in yoga. You can join the school, if you want to learn authentic yoga. Hatha Yoga is primarily taught at the school, along with Ashtanga-Vinyasa. You can practice the above poses at home, after having learnt the intricacies. This is going to be the most divine experience ever, for you. Yoga has many therapeutic benefits, which you can only realize when you practice them in the right manner. Moreover, you will also learn about breathing techniques and meditation, which also play an important role in this realm.

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