Yoga Poses For Bloating

Yoga Poses For Bloating 

Our eating habits have huge effects on our body. With a fast lifestyle, most of us are heavily reliant on fast food and canned food. Today, every kind of food item is available over the shelves at departmental stores. So, you can just pick up anything you like. Moreover, most people do not follow the diurnal cycles while eating food. Under normal conditions, the formation of gas is a part of the digestive system. Most people get rid of gas, by burping or passing gas through the anus. However, when the gas gets trapped in the digestive system, it can lead to discomfort. For some people, this discomfort happens once in a while. On the other hand, for some it becomes chronic. Apart from popping medicines, you can also do yoga to get rid of bloating and flatulence. There are quite a few yoga poses for bloating relief, which you can practice. 

But, before you study about them, you must understand the ailment and its symptoms. Find them listed below underneath. 

How To Understand That You Are Suffering From Bloating And Gas Build-up?

Firstly, gas build-up occurs in the stomach, when you swallow too much air while eating. Gas formation also takes place in the large intestine, when bacteria ferments carbohydrates, which are not digested in the small intestines. Some of the most common foods which cause gas are beans, legumes, cauliflower, cabbage, fermented foods, spicy foods, and canned foods. Too much Xylitol also increases gas formation. 

Some people are unable to tolerate certain foods, may have constipation, chronic intestinal disease, and so on. Most of the common symptoms of bloating and gas build-up are passing gas frequently, burping, and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, pain, cramps, and an increase in the size of the abdomen. Under such circumstances, you can try yoga poses to reduce bloating. 

Best Yoga Poses for Bloating and Gas

  • Pawanmuktasana – This is the first pose that comes to mind, when we think of flatulence relief. You have to lie down on your back, with the legs stretched out. The arms will be by your side. Exhale and bend the legs and bring them close to your chest, with both knees pointing upwards. Grasp them with your hands. You must tuck the chin slightly into the chest cavity. You can rock the body back and forth in this position, for some time. You can release, by exhaling again and stretching the legs out. You can repeat the pose as many times, you want to. This pose in yoga, helps in creating pressure in the abdominal area, thereby pushing out the gas. 
  • Balasana – Also called Child’s pose, this is another excellent asana which you can do to relieve yourself of flatulence. You have to start on your knees and hands to begin with. Slowly, sit on your heels, with the knees a little more apart than your hip distance. The top part of your feet must touch the floor. Slowly, fold forward and rest your forehead on the floor in front of you. You can stretch your hands and keep them forward on the floor, with palms down. Another option is to keep them by your side, with the palms facing upward and the fingers towards the back side. This is an extremely restorative pose and can also prove great to help you to release the air inside your belly. 
  • Paschimottanasana – Also called the seated forward bend. You have to start by sitting in Dandasana pose or Staff pose. Slowly, you must raise your hands and inhale the air when you do this.  Imagine your spine getting longer. As you exhale, you must fold from the hips and take the hands towards the front, trying to hold the heels or toes. You must ensure to bring the abdomen in contact with the thighs. 

You must not stress the neck muscles and do what is natural. Hold the position for some time, while breathing normally. To release yourself from the pose, you must inhale and come up. Sit in Dandasana or Staff pose, and repeat if necessary. This is an excellent asana or pose, which again puts a lot of stress on the stomach region. Thus, the gas which is stuck inside gets released, either as a burp or through the anus. Yoga experts consider this pose as one of the effective yoga poses for digestive issues. 

  • Malasana – This is one of the effective poses in yoga, which can address your flatulence issues. In western terms, it is called a wide squat pose. You have to start by standing straight, with the feet hip-width apart. The arms remain by your side initially. Slowly, you have to bend your knees, and squat down. In the meanwhile, you have to bring the hands together in Pranam mudra, in front of your chest. The elbows will be jutting outwards, pressing against the inner side of the knee area, further increasing the thrust. The feet must be flat on the ground for maximum effectiveness. Hold the pose for a few breaths. 

This asana or pose is a very versatile one, which you can practice not just for flatulence, but for constipation as well. It promotes a healthy digestive system and also helps women who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome. Anyone with the above problems can practice this asana. However, you must always ensure to learn yoga from trained teachers. At Vinyasa Yoga Academy, you will come across the best teachers who will guide you through the process. 

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana – This is another pose, which anyone can practice with a little guidance. You have to get down on all your fours to start with. Thereafter, you must raise the hips upwards and straighten the legs. Open the fingers wider for added support. You must allow your head to hang freely. You can gaze at the floor or behind, if you can. Do not bend the knees. You can call this a resting pose as well. This is another one of the yoga poses for stomach bloating. You must ensure to practice this asana at a yoga school in Rishikesh, so as to get the right directions. 

You can practice any of the above yoga poses, to get rid of your flatulence and bloating. Yoga therapy is renowned as a practice, not just for a selected few, but all. Anyone can practice yoga at any age. If you have stomach-related health issues that are chronic in nature, there is nothing like yoga. 


You can learn about such yoga poses for bloating relief from Vinyasa Yoga Academy. It is one of the best schools teaching yoga today in Rishikesh. Students from all over the world head to Rishikesh to learn and practice yoga. The place has the right ambience to help you sink deep into the practice. Moreover, you can also get a teacher training certificate after you complete the course. Most yoga enthusiasts train in yoga for personal health issues, but often end up providing therapy to their community. You can also become a part of one such movement. So, without any further delay, head to Rishikesh, to learn yoga from the trained teachers at the best school. The journey will take you towards uncharted territories. 

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