The “Supta Kapotasana” name comes from the Sanskrit words, “supta” means “reclined”, “kapota” means “pigeon”, and “asana” means “posture or seat”. Some people call it as “sucirandhrasana”, which is the Sanskrit word, “suci” means “needle” and “randhra” means “loop.”In this pose, the legs are crossed to make a loop like that of the needle. As you thread the needle, likewise the hand is threaded between the legs in the pose, due to this reason it is known as Sucirandhrasana.
In Yin Yoga, it is known as the Eye Of The Needle Pose, and is done passively and held for several minutes, as is typical for this yoga style.
This asana is performed in the supine position with bent knees in the air, therefore it is also described as Reverse Pigeon Pose or Eye of the Needle Pose.
The Supta kapotasana or the Supine Pigeon Pose is considered as more accessible variation of kapotasana. Traditionally, supta kapotasana, like kapotasana, is believed to activate the two lowest chakras, that’s is the muladhara and svadisthana chakras
Let’s take a look at the mental and physical health benefits of the Supta kapotasana or the Supine Pigeon Pose:
- It Stretches your hips.
- It strengthens your thighs.
- It provides flexibility to lower back
- It prepares your body for intense and advanced stretches.
- It enhances blood circulation.
- It stimulates the abdominal organs, thereby, facilitates and improves your digestive system.
- It Activates root and sacral chakra
- It improves emotional Balance.
- It enhances your creativity level .
- It releases any tension trapped in the lower back muscles.
- It brings stability and balance.
- It alleviates stress, anxiety and depression.
- It Calms the mind and the body.
As you all know the significance of various yoga asanas and science behind it. Likewise, the Supta kapotasana or the Supine Pigeon Pose also follow the same principle.
The following postures prepare you for the easy mastery of the Supta kapotasana or the Supine Pigeon Pose:
- Knee to chest pose
- Happy baby pose or Ananda Balasana
- Garland pose or malasana
- Reclining Bound Angle Pose or Supta Baddha Konasana
The following steps are need to be followed while practising the Supta kapotasana or the Supine Pigeon Pose to avail the mental and physical health benefits of the Supta kapotasana or the Supine Pigeon Pose:
- First lie down on your back with bent knees and feet on the floor.
- Smoothly lift your right foot and place your right ankle on the left thigh near the knee.
- Now, spread your right arm between the legs.
- Clasp your right hand with the left around the left shin.
- Gently draw your left knee closer to the chest lifting the left foot off the floor.
- Maintain your gaze towards the ceiling.
- Exhale deeply and feel the stretch around your lower hip.
- You can hold the pose for up to 3 breaths then release the pose in reverse order.
- Repeat the above steps keeping the right ankle over the left thigh.
- While practising this pose, you can place a folded blanket under your hips as it supports your hips while holding the stretch.
- Or you can perform this asana near a wall. While squeezing the knee towards your corresponding foot can rest pressing against the wall as it prevents any stress in the lower back.
Once you are done with the Supta kapotasana or the Supine Pigeon Pose, relax lying on the floor or you may follow the following poses:
- Supine Spinal Twist Pose (Supta Matsyendrasana)
- Wind-Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana)
Even this beginner-level pose requires the proper practice guide and preparation. Here are some precautions you need to take care of before getting into the pose.
- Your head and neck should be kept relaxed in the supine pigeon pose.
- Do not move your body while holding the pose.
- Your shoulders should be away from the ears relaxed on the floor.
- Keep the crossed over ankle flexed to prevent any injury.

- You must avoid practising this pose, if you’ve had recent surgery in the hips, knees, lower back, or abdomen.
- Pregnant women should refrain from this asana after the second trimester.
- Moreover, if you are suffering from Sacroiliitis or other sacroiliac issues, must not practice this pose.
You may practice the following counter poses:
- Corpse Pose or Savasana
- Wind- Relieving Pose or Pawanmuktasana
- Reclined Twist Pose or Supta Matsyendrasana
The Supta Kapotasana or the Supine Pigeon Pose is considered as a warm-up yoga pose as it prepares your body for more intense yoga poses.
This pose is a gentle way of stretching the hamstrings and quads. It is one of the great hip opener poses for amateurs who have tightness in the hips. Regular practice of this asana, will make you feel more grounded, stable and content. (alprazolam)
So get started on this asana at home, at the office, or any other calm place to extent your body can, and don’t worry about achieving the perfect pose.
If you are keen to learn more about the health benefits of the Supta kapotasana or the Supine Pigeon Pose or any other yoga poses, you can visit your website.
Stay healthy, stay strong and get the best out of life!