Leg Flexibility Sequence

Do you practice any sport that demands a lot of effort from your legs or do you simply want to improve flexibility in that region? This post is for you. Having more flexible legs when doing some sports will not only help you avoid injuries, it will probably help you...

Importance of Diet in Meditation and Yoga Asana

Importance of Diet in Meditation and Yoga Asana Balanced body, balanced mind.  In meditation we work to lighten the load – stress, anxiety, depression and overthinking burden the mind and have a negative effect on the body. To maintain focus in meditation one...

Yoga While Traveling

Yoga while travelling Journeys are necessary and offer a life-changing experience. It is an opportunity to get some relief from daily lifestyle for some days to any place. IT is truly rejuvenating as well as relaxing. But on the other side, it can be stressful as...

Why and How Maha Shivaratri is celebrated

Hindus are known for their festivals and utmost beliefs in their gods. In Hindu mythology, out of all the supreme gods and deities, one holds the utmost power: Lord Shiva. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva is one of the three Supreme deities and is prayed and...

The Purpose of Meditation

What is the purpose of meditation? The goal of meditation is to go beyond the mind and experience our essential nature. Which is described as peace, happiness, and bliss. But as anyone who has tried to meditate knows, the mind itself is the biggest obstacle standing...