The name comes from the Sanskrit words nata meaning “dancer”, raja meaning “king”, and asana meaning “posture” or “seat”. Natarajasana is a balance asana that strengthens the legs. It also is a full body stretch which engages the shoulders, chest and abdomen,...

Crane (Crow Pose)
Crow pose also sometimes called “Crane Pose,” is usually the first arm balance that yoga students learn. It is the foundational pose for most arm balances in yoga, so it’s a good idea to understand the basics of Crow Pose first. This pose requires a good deal...

Chakras and the Channels of Energy
Inside every human being there is a network of nerves and sensory organs that interprets the outside physical world. From the perineum in the pelvic area to the medulla oblongata, there are six knots or centers. These are the six lower chakras located along the...

Benefits of Siddhasana (Adepts Pose)
Siddhasana (Adepts Pose): From the sitting position, first bend the left leg and place the heel at the perineum. Then, bend the right leg and place the heel against the pubic bone, or just above the genitals. (www/sballergy.com) The body is kept erect with the hands...

Benefits of Padmasana
Benefits of Padmasana Padmasana (Lotus Pose): In the seated position, first carefully place the right foot onto the left thigh. Then take hold of the left foot and place it onto the right thigh. Keep the body erect with both knees touching the floor. The hands are to...

Meditation Asanas
Meditation Asanas The main purpose of the meditation asanas is to allow the practioner to sit for extended periods of time without moving the body and and without discomfort. Only when the body has been steady and still for some time will meditation be experienced....

Benefits of Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)
Benefits of Vajrasana : How to do it : Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose) Kneel on the floor. Bring the big toes together and separate the heels. Lower the buttocks onto the inside surface of the feet with the heels touching the sides of the hips. Place the hands on the...

Benefits of Vinyasa Yoga regular practice
BENEFITS OF VINYASA YOGA REGULAR PRACTICE ETYMOLOGY The word “Vinyasa” comes from the Sanskrit words, ‘vi’ means variation or in a special way & ‘nyasa’ means within prescribed parameters or to place. This indicates that we are not “throwing our bodies...