Anahatasana heart opening yoga pose
Anahatasana is a heart-opening yoga pose that energizes the whole body. The name is derived from the Sanskrit, anahata, meaning “heart,” and asana, meaning “pose.” To enter the pose, begin in table pose. Walk the hands forward until the chest reaches the floor. Keep...
1: Boat Pose Paripurna Navasana: (par-ee-POOR-nah nah-VAHS-anna)paripurna = full, entire, completenava = boat 2: Bridge Pose Setu Bandha Sarvangasana: (SET-too BAHN-dah)setu = dam, dike, or bridgebandha = lock 3: Crane (Crow) Pose Bakasana: (bahk-AHS-anna)baka = crane...
Benefits of Swastikasana (Auspicious Pose): It is a best meditation Asana for those people who cannot sit comfortably or find difficulties in classical poses like Padmasanaand Siddhasana. Those people who are suffering from varicose veins and pain in the leg muscles...
Definition Most forms of yoga fall under the umbrella term of “Hatha” yoga. In sanskrit the word literally means sun=”ha” and moon “tha” which is representative of balance. The full word simply refers to the physical practice of yoga postures to create balance. Hatha...
Yoga Psychology
Early modern psychology was defined as the study of the soul or mind. Yoga psychology provides for us a synthesis of both yoga and psychology and helps provide for us a clearer understanding of consciousness and human behaviour. Yogic concepts, principles and...
Pranayama is the practice and control of one’s life-currents through controlled breathing and meditation. This process of connecting to ones prana “breath” is the connection to one’s life force and considered one of the most important methods for achieving balance in...
Yoga Philosophy
Being the curious beings that we are, many philosophies of yoga have developed over the years just as its popularity has also soared. Our desire to know and understand the world has encouraged thinkers to seek knowledge in a more in depth level surrounding the...
Practice Yoga Teaching
While students learn about their own personal yoga practice, they will also learn the skills needed to share yoga with students. By learning concepts and techniques involved with teaching yoga to others, students will gain a better understanding of what it means to...